Shipping & Returns
The orders are shipped from China or France.
Please allow up to 1-2 weeks for your product to be delivered as many pieces are hand made to order with love from the moment you purchase. If you are in a hurry, email us and we will do our best to help.
For INTERNATIONAL orders - A flat shipping rate up to 10 euro applies which takes 6-10 business days from dispatch to delivery.
For INTERNATIONAL orders - A flat shipping rate up to 10 euro applies which takes 6-10 business days from dispatch to delivery.
Please note all prices are listed in Euro.
Orders to countries outside China/France may be subject to import duties and/or taxes. We kindly advise you to check what rules apply with your local customs, as we can not be held responsible for any taxes or custom fees deemed by your country's legal regulations upon delivery.
Unfortunately we do not offer refunds for change of mind purchase. However, if the items purchased from the site has major problem, please email and
we will do our best to help.